Are you an indie or self-published author?



Dear authors and publishing professionals,


One of the goals of Book Lovers Bookshop is to make our bookshop as friendly to Indie/Self-published authors as possible. We know that getting your books in physical shops is one of the hardest parts of being a self-published author. Down below we’ve outlined our guidelines on how we work with indie/self-published authors and how you can get your book in our bookshop.


Please note that we are a small bookshop and that does mean that we only have room for a certain amount of stock. Even if your title meets the guidelines below, it does not guarantee that we will be able to stock your book.


Here are the ways we would be able to stock your titles:


  • If your book is available on our wholesaler Gardners or available to order on Ingram Sparks.

    • For many small independent bookshops, they are only able to buy books for retail on the wholesalers that have the books. For us that is Gardners and Ingram Sparks. If your book is on these platforms we will be able to find it and potentially order it for our bookshop’s stock.*

  • We do take donations from Indie/Self-Published authors.

    • Where we are too small to be able to set up an individual invoice system with each indie/self-published author that we would love to stock, we will take any and all donations. If you are in the city or abroad and want to donate some of your stock to get your books in a romance bookshop, we would be happy to receive.* Please note that this does mean that all proceeds from those books donated would go straight to the bookshop.


*Most of the time if your book is published through Ingram Sparks, they will automatically put your book up on Gardners. However, we recommend checking with IngramSparks to make sure that the metadata from the book (your cover and synopsis) are uploaded correctly on to Gardners so that we can more easily find your book.

*Please note that a donation does not automatically mean that your book will be added to stock. However, we will do our best to make sure that titles donated are made available to our customers.


We hope to get to a point in the future where we are able to set up invoices for individual authors, however, it just isn’t possible for us at the moment because we are a small new business and we have a small staff.


We cannot wait to work with you!


The Book Lovers Bookshop Team

Book Lovers Bookshop
6 Melville Terrace
Edinburgh, UK EH9 1ND